Monday, August 30, 2010

Rivers Edge Race report (1 of 2)

This past Saturday was all about redemption. Redemption from the course in which had gotten me addicted to endurance mountain biking racing. 50 miles, no stopping and one of the toughest courses in the Charlotte area.

I really don't have a vendetta against this race, I just had a rough go of it last year with a time of about 6 and a half hours. After doing that once I just wanted to better my time. My goal time was 5 hours and 20 minutes. Sadly I did not meet that goal, but did quite a bit better than last years time. 5 hours and 40 minutes was the total time in which I ran the 50 miles in. I had been training for this race for the better part of the summer.

The first lap as usually for me was pretty uneventful. At the starting line I didn't even see the MaddSS go as he was shooting for a podium spot. I started in the back of the pack and decided that would be the best place to work up from. I lined up with one of my new riding partners Dan, and his co-worker Paul. The reason in which he did the race this year was because I did it last year. His goal was to beat my time from last year. He did, but I will get to that later. I quickly left him at the start and got my race pace on. Not knowing who was racing a team means that any one faster than me could have only been doing half the distance that I was. Probably a smart move on their part. Just before we hit the singletrack I passed the Mrs. MaddSS, I said good luck as then used my gears to get past her.

Right off the bat in the technical Figure 8 section of the course I saw one rider down. He was one of the regulars in the local races so I know he knew the course and knew how to handle a bike. I believe he ended up with a broken clavicle from the fall. Also right before the exit of the figure out one of the top female races was down as well. She is a speed demon and actually was in 9th place in the mens Cat 2 series. As she walked off the course the burrower and Erin (my very supportive pit crew) heard her asking someone if she would be ok for the final Wednesday night race for the Charlotte Mountain Bike Series so she could be in the top 10. I hope she is ok because she deserves it.

Well so far I have a lot written, not bad considering I was only about a mile and a half into the race when all of this took place. Since I know this course like the back of my hand I knew where to take my fluids in and where the best places to pass were. I knew how long the climbs where and how to spend my energy. After speaking with a few people while riding, and just chatting with the other races. I spoke with people who have been doing this for a long time, and those who this was their first race. Man did they choose a tough one to start out with.

Thank you Mutt for the picture

While on the green trail on my first lap I ended up passing one of the Burrowers co-workers husband. We actually randomly met up in Wilksboro at Dark Mountain early this summer. We chatted for a few miles, just keeping the pace. It is so much easier to ride when you keep a conversation going. As we went into the pit area I dropped him and picked up my supplies for the next lap. The burrower and Erin just happened to pick up a random in the tent that confused me for a second, but I took my water bottles and then took off, leaving the co-workers husband behind me. Since I keep rambling, I guess I will have to keep this them going all week. The burrower only got a few pictures of me during the race, but some other interesting ones as well so stay tuned.

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