Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A mixed post..

Sorry about not writing yesterday, my goal is usually Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for those of you keeping track. Thursdays and Fridays I usually start the weekend festivities and think I can find more productive things to do with my time than appease the masses.

This is a mixed post because I want to finish my week of riding but sometimes life events happen that get in the way. I was fortunte enough to know Val while she was alive. Me, Erica, Erin, Ashley, and Angus all went to the service for her funeral to support our friend Liz. Liz and Val worked together for a long time and we all knew that Val's sudden death would hit her hardest. Erica was nice enough to pick her up from the airport yesterday and drop her back off today. Myself, Ashley, Erin, and Angus all made plans to get off of work to be there to attend the service.

As I got off work early I came home to pick the group up to go, I was expecting to walk into a quiet house. I should have known better. Liz was getting ready, being goofy, Erica was egging her on. Another one of Val and Liz's former swim instructors was there hanging out and laughing. It was a sight to see. Everyone was remembering the things Val used to do when she was getting ready to go out, and those are some good stories to hear. Laughter was rampant through the house.

On the way to the service we kept telling the stories of the crazy stuff in which she used to do and how she always made all of us laugh. The service started at 2 and when we arrived at a little before 1:30 the church was full, like standing room only full. We made sure that Liz was able to see the service and the rest of us just sort of stayed out of the way. Also the entire city of Concord was there as her father is the police chief. I am happy that they were there to support the family, but that didn't leave a lot of room for the people that knew her and that were seated outside and couldn't even hear the service. Our crew was lucky enough to hear bits and pieces from the front room of the church and halfway through Liz broke down crying and came down the stairs. In orderly fashion I grabbed her and made my way through the crowd the Erica was right behind her trying to comfort her.

While trying to find some shade we made our way to the reception area. Liz declined to go in because it was to hard to see the pictures of Val. It was hot enough that the state troopers followed us into the shade and set up shop waiting for the procession. When Liz opened up her eyes she was suprized to see about a dozen of NC's finest stating right next to us. Erica was also trying to comfort her by telling some Super Trooper Jokes.

We all laughed. They did not.

After the service ended Liz made some plans to meet up with her former co-workers at the Flying Saucer, later that night. We hit up Stool Pigeons right after the service, had some beer, some food and then walked to the Saucer.

I was happy to go 2-0 in pool against Casey, who showed up after work, and Angus. But mostly I was happy to see our friend Liz in the comfort of people that care about her. Then we came home and finished the job and I am almost out of spiced rum...damn. I think I'm done writing for the day. It was a long day yesterday for a lot of people.

Side note, I did get to go riding this past weekend and still need to write about it. To bad I wont get to ride this weekend even though the Burrower is headed out of town. Figures, I get the weekend to myself and can't even ride.

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