I think where I left off was that I was headed into the single track just ahead of the one poor soul who left his gears at home. As I really start to get peddling and getting my heart rate up I had a pain in my side. For once I didn't hit a tree, but it was a stomach cramp. I haven't had one of these while mountain biking in a long time. And it hurt.
I did manage to pass one of the riders in front of me on one of the climbs about 2 miles in, but it was short lived as my side was continuing to be in pain. At the same time both the guy I passed and the single speeder passed me on one climb. Last place again. I would like to say that I made a valiant effort the 2nd half of the race and made myself a contender for a mid-pack finish, but that would be a lie. I finished the race in last place.
I think I am done with the Southern Classic Series for this year. With my busy spring schedule, 2 weddings, 1 bachelor party, 1 bachelorete party (designated driver for that) 6 hour race, honeymoon, easter and traveling all in 2 months, I think it is best I just sit it out.
In other bike related news, I did try new grips on my borrowed steed.
I was a little worried that with the larger handle I wouldn't be able to grip the bar as well, but that fear proved false. I also missed having the bar ends last race as well, those were a nice comfortable addition to the bike to make it feel a little more at home. I can't wait to get the on the culprit.
In other news my new "shiny parts" finally came in. I dropped off the culprit this afternoon at Queencity Bicycles and am going to let John do his magic putting them on. I hope to have everything done by Friday as I need to get some hours for riding in. Only 2 weeks until the 6 hours of warrior creek, and I haven't ridden any longer than 3 hours this year.
I think I am done writing for the week here, I might post some pictures up once the culprit gets back in action, but until then, I will try to have some good stories about the wedding that I am going to this weekend.
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