Sunday, June 20, 2010

Its the Cup of the World

Yes, it is the time again that happens every 4 years for a month at a time. The World Cup.

I am a pretty big soccer fan, I played for 3 years at my college, St. Ambrose University in Davenport, IA. And hopefully even if you are not a follower of the greatest game in the world you heard of the injustace that happened to the US Mens National Team. If not, well check it out here. Sports Illustrated dot com.
Yes, we as a country got hosed. Good news is that the US team holds their own fate in their own hands. I am not going to play out all the different scenarios, but if they win they go through. So just win baby.

On a biking related note since the burrower is working at Holy Angels Sat and Sun. I get to ride until my heart is content. And I did just that. My ride on Saturday was a solo effort with just a little Fall Out Boy to keep me company for the early morning ride. Please enjoy as I did for my rounds of figure 8, carpet trail, toliet bowl, gas line, goat hill and a potty break for 2 laps.

Sorry for the break in thoughts here, just had to watch the video and got sidetracked. Anyway the first lap was a little rough as I stayed up a little to late drinking and playing some HALO 3 with Suerto and Swami. I think my best quote of the night was "I call wheelman" From some random dude on our team, "Why do you get to be wheelman?" My response, "Because I suck at killing things!" Suerto responds "Its true, he doesnt have the name coattails for a reason" Anyway, enough geeky HALO talk and back to the ride. It was hot. I rode until I couldn't ride no more and realized I need to quit drinking so much and then expecting to ride 20 miles the next morning well.

Tomorrow post (If I get time, I need to mow the lawn and finish the bathroom and probably a few other things on the honey-do list) I went back for more toture to the
WWC with MaddSS. And I might just post some pics of the WAGS (wifes and girlfriends) of the world cup. That is usually a good predictor of who will will by who has the hottest wife.

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