Monday, April 30, 2012

How the unnamed Marin got its name

Its been a while since I've posted, 6 hours of Warrior Creek recap I believe.  I stopped riding due to not eating enough food (which could have been solved by eating some and waiting to digest some) and a sore neck.   Once you have ridden with a sore neck, you never realize how much you want to turn your head.  Anyway this has been on going for about 3 weeks. I have tried new pillows, icy-hot, etc, but I think what I needed was rest from the bike, so I really haven't ridden decent mileage since then.  As I was driving up to Lake Norman State Park, I was thinking it was time to get back on the horse, figuratively anyway.  Then it hit me, who is the most famous horse you know.  Seabiscut. Oh, also the Kentucky Derby is coming up and I thought it be appropriate timing as well for it.

I know, I have used this photo before, but I am to lazy to walk down to the garage to take another one so deal with it.

Another fun adventure I had on my few weeks off non-biking was waking up early to help with the Charlotte Youth Cycling league.  

This was the only picture I took, I tried to get the rain and didn't want to get the camera out so again, deal with my crappy photography.

 I was out there early to set up the youngest kids course, and stayed to help clean up.  I even was out there for a few mini laps at Fisher Farm as a course marshal, making sure the little rebels didnt get lost or hurt.  It was fun except for the weather.  Rain.  The first 2 hours it was just a light drizzle so they didn't call the event off as the rain never got to the trail.  The 2nd 2 hours was miserable and cold.  The oldest group (16-18) only had one person sign up, so the call was made to take down the course markings and high tail it out of there to a warm shower.

I ended up going back to Fisher Farm the next weekend for the Sun and Ski shop clinic.   There were a few brave souls (about 6) who came to learn some basics of mountain biking.  It is always nice when a shop gets involved in the community.  Most of the shops in the Charlotte area do this as well and that is why Charlotte is such an underrated mountain bike Mecca. Anyway we had fun teaching them the basics of braking, drops, roots, shifting, etc.    Heres Patrick (not me as I had the camera) tackling the boulder garden and having fun.  We played around on that boulder garden for about 15 minutes just having fun.

And finally back to the title of the story, this past weekend. 

I decided to make the trip up to Lake Norman State park and check out the 28 miles of trail there.  Since there was a race in South Carolina this weekend, my buddy options were limited, so I went by myself and just enjoyed the ride.  I wanted to take pictures but was having to much fun to stop.  After 3 hours of what I thought was decent pace ride, it hit all the trails and decided to call it a day.  I should have called it a day earlier in the day (did that make sense) because I ended up coming home and doing yard work.  Figure that one out. 

I did end up getting this sweet jersey from Sun and Ski though from Twin Six.  I don't know how this was on the clearance rack, but it pretty sweet. I think I should have washed it before wearing it though, it rubbed my nipples (I have sensitive nipples), but I also looked sexy with it open blowing in the wind. 

Thats about it, me and Seabiscut will try to make some more adventures before going off to Illinois in a few weeks for some family obligations.  But thats really just an excuse to ride out of town and drink more beer.

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